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[Cloth] Crocodile-patterned kimono by Watamasa ala elle
Gradient Omi-shikki Kashiwamochi
Gradient Omi-shikki Kashiwamochi Sale price66,000円(税込)
Gradient Omi-chiri Oborotsukiyo
Gradient Omi-chiri Oborotsukiyo Sale price66,000円(税込)
Gradient Omi-chiri Nijo Castle
Gradient Omi-chiri Nijo Castle Sale price66,000円(税込)
Thirteenth Night Moon (Seike): Nagoya Obi | 9 inches (pre-tailored and guarded)
Moon Ring White (Seike): Nagoya Obi | 9 Sun (Ready-made, guarded)
Ripples on the Moon (Seike): Nagoya Obi | 9-inch (pre-tailored, with protective coating)
Moon Ring Pattern (Seiken): Nagoya Obi | 9 Sun (Ready-made, with protective coating)
[Reservations accepted from 2/1 to 2/9] duo coat - dark brown cashmere (KOTOWA): Coat | Japanese style coat
White wood pokkuri metallic silver (KAPUKI): Geta
Half-collar embroidery "Deer" black black
Half-collar embroidery "Deer" black black Sale price16,500円(税込)
Cotton-cotton sandals with red sole and black (Japanese accessories Sakura x KAPUKI): Sandals
Flying Dance (Komutaya Genbei): 9-inch Nagoya Obi (tailoring fee included)
Sold outWhite Peacock (Komidaya Genbei): 9-inch Nagoya obi (tailoring fee included)
Hasi admiration pattern (Kondaya Genbei): Futari Shizuka | Maso Tae | Pure silk
3way clutch bag (KAPUKI original): Bags
3way clutch bag (KAPUKI original): Bags Sale price49,500円(税込)
Diamond-cut chrysanthemum (Komutaya Genbei): Fukuro obi (sash) | Pure silk
Cafe Zori for Men, Black and Silver (Karen Blosso): Geta
Cafe Zori Silver (Karen Blosso): Geta
Cafe Zori Silver (Karen Blosso): Geta Sale price28,600円(税込)
[Tailoring] One-crest dyeing
[Tailoring] One-crest dyeing Sale price13,200円(税込)
Python pattern black (KAPUKI original): Washable undergarment | Pure silk
Etoile Motif Cream (Komidaya Genbei): Futari Shizuka | Asayo Tae | Pure Silk
Peacock feathers, black and gold (KAPUKI original): Heko obi (belt) | Pure silk
Peacock feathers, black and gold (KAPUKI original): Heko obi (belt) | Pure silk
Kodori Gold x Red Enamel: Sandals
Kodori Gold x Red Enamel: Sandals Sale price93,500円(税込)
Kodori Gold x Red Enamel: Sandals
Kodori Gold x Red Enamel: Sandals Sale price93,500円(税込)
Kodori Gold x Red Enamel: Sandals
Kodori Gold x Red Enamel: Sandals Sale price93,500円(税込)
Kodori Gold x Red Enamel: Sandals
Kodori Gold x Red Enamel: Sandals Sale price77,000円(税込)
Kodori Gold x Red Enamel: Sandals
Kodori Gold x Red Enamel: Sandals Sale price93,500円(税込)
Floating leaf black and silver (KAPUKI special order): obi-jime
kapusoie (Kapusoa): Kimono slip | Silk
kapusoie (Kapusoa): Kimono slip | Silk Sale price165,000円(税込)
Gold-colored lightning bolt (KAPUKI original): Nagoya obi | Kyoto bag obi, pure silk | Gold-colored (tailoring fee included)
Kurojisen Oimatsu (Narikane Kobo): Hanging | Kyoto Yuzen | Gold leaf | Sash (tailoring fee included)
Kurojisen Oimatsu (Narikane Kobo): Hanging | Kyoto Yuzen | Gold leaf | Sash (tailoring fee included)
Tsuiichimatsu (Ishizuka Dyeing Factory): Edo Komon|Tsui-bori
[Tailoring] Nagajuban dyeing fee
[Tailoring] Nagajuban dyeing fee Sale price16,500円(税込)
[Tailoring] Kimono fabric, one side change, dyeing fee
Sold out[Tailoring] Kimono fabric dyeing fee
[Tailoring] Kimono fabric dyeing fee Sale price22,000円(税込)
[Tailoring] White lining
[Tailoring] White lining Sale price16,500円(税込)
Nagoya Obi / Kyoto Fukuro Obi "Kinsai Inazuma" KAPUKI original: Pure silk | Kinsai (tailoring fee included)
Save 30%Nagoya Obi "Ippon Tokko Black and White" Nishimura Orimono: Hassun | Hakata Ori | Presentation pattern | Pure silk (tailoring fee included)
Black painted pokkuri metallic gold (KAPUKI original): Geta
Black painted pokkuri metallic silver (KAPUKI original): Geta
Black painted pokkuri gold (KAPUKI original): Geta
Black painted pokkuri silver (KAPUKI): Geta | Footwear
Black painted Pokkuri Horsehair (KAPUKI): Geta | Pokkuri
Moyabokashi (Seike): Nagoya obi | 9 inches (pre-tailored, with protective coating)
Nakasame Komon (Ishizuka Dyeing Factory): Edo Komon